Pyrethrins, Nature Pyrethrum, Pyrethrum Cinerariifolium Extract

Short Description:

Synonyms: Pyrethrum Cinerariifolium Flower Extract

Appearance: Yellow Oily Liquid 

Active ingredients: Pyrethrins include PyrethrinⅠ,Pyrethrins II,CinerinⅠ, Cinerin II,JasomlinⅠ, Jasomolin II.

Product Detail

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Pyrethrins is a light yellow oilly liquid extracted from the flower of the plant Pyrethrum cinerariaefolium Trev.the Pyrethrins are a compound of active ingredients with good effect of killing insects. the Pyrethrins include PyrethrinⅠ, Pyrethrins II, CinerinⅠ, Cinerin II, JasomlinⅠ, Jasomolin II. 

The Pyrethrins is a Broad spectrum pesticide material, it belongs to classic neurotoxic and with the effect of stomach toxicity or fumigation. But it has not systemic action. The killing pharmacology is paralyzing nerves of insect to death. The normal insect will recover in 24 hours after poisoning; housefly is paralyzed in 10 minutes with 60%-70% death rate. It is poisonous to Arthropods, fish, amphibians and reptiles; but its toxicity is not remarkable to Avian and mammalian animals.

Specification & Quality

25% Pyrethrins by HPLC

50% Pyrethrins by HPLC

70% Pyrethrins by HPLC

Function & Application

1)       It can prevent aphid, snout moth`s larva, stinking, caterpillar, coccid, cabbage caterpillar, bollworm, dark tail leafhopper;

2)       It is used in grain storage and the aerosol and dust can prevent every kind of grain bristletail;

3)       It has capability of execution to vary kind of pests and extensive use in agriculture producing, grain storage and daily life;

4)       It also can be made into animal shampoos which can prevent the helminthes on the animal.

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